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What is WV Birth to Three?

WV Birth to Three is a statewide system of services and  supports for children under age three who have a delay in their development, or  may be at risk of having a delay, and their family.  The Department of Health  and Human Resources, through the Bureau for Public Health and the Office of  Maternal, Child and Family Health, WV Birth to Three, as the lead agency for  Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), assures that  family centered, community based services are available to all eligible children  and families.

Who is eligible?

To be eligible for WV Birth to Three services, an infant or toddler under the  age of three can either have a delay in one or more areas of their development,  or be at risk of possibly having delays in the future.

A child may have delays in one or more of the following areas:

  • Cognitive - thinking and learning
  • Physical - moving, seeing and hearing
  • Social/emotional - feeling, coping, getting along with others
  • Adaptive - doing things for him/herself
  • Communication - understanding and communicating with others

A child may have risk factors such as:

  • A condition which is typically associated with a developmental delay such as Down Syndrome; or
  • A combination of biological and other risk factors. Some of these factors may include family stressors.

How do I make a referral?

To refer a child to the WV Birth to Three system in state, you may call 1-866-321-4728.